Happy World Wildlife Day!!!! 

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” — John Muir

Today is a celebration of wildlife.  These beings have a special place on this earth and if we look closer, they are not entirely different or separate from human beings.   

Many of the wildlife live in communities and families in which they demonstrate an exchange of love, care, compassion, support for each other as in wolf packs or elephant herds.  Much like our family support systems.  

They also experience fear as studies have shown wolves living in high hunting areas have higher levels of stress hormones and elephants sensing danger such as poachers, will use different migration routes and migrate at night to avoid dangerous situations.   

Even a pigeon can display grief and sorrow as I once witnessed a pigeon who was struck by a car, its mate stood on top of it pecking at it as if trying to get it to come back to life.   It was so sad to watch as myself and others felt terrible for this pigeon who lost its partner. 

Not only are the wildlife able to demonstrate similar traits as us, many wildlife are keystone species that actually support ecosystems.  Their sheer existence helps to maintain biodiversity that supports the health of our planet. 

For example, elephants are known as the Gardeners of the Forest.  Elephants spread the seeds from the plants they have eaten which helps to disperse the plant life to other areas.  Elephants also dig waterholes in dry river beds that other animals use and create trails that serve as fire breakers which help prevent catastrophic fire outbreaks.

Whales are another keystone species who are known as the Gardeners of the Ocean.  Whales come near the surface of the ocean to defecate and when they do, they help to fertilize the phytoplankton, the plants that live on the ocean’s surface which absorb the carbon dioxide in the air and provide part of the oxygen we breathe.  In short, whales help provide us with 50-80% of the oxygen we breathe.  

Wildlife is not separate from us and without their presence, there are negative repercussions on ecosystems, other species, and us.  Wildlife is the blueprint to help keep our ecosystems balanced and intact.  

Mankind is not the only kind.  We need all kinds to keep this earth flourishing.

If you can, please donate to your favorite wildlife conservation today!