How Land Clearing Is Affecting Our Lives More Than We Realize

I remember when I first moved into my neighborhood, there were multiple small areas of land that looked like mini forests.  I would drive by these areas and awe in their beauty during the fall when the leaves were changing and watch the birds make their nests in the trees.  There was something tranquil just even driving past these areas.  Now some of those mini forests have been replaced with large strip malls with multiple stores and fast food eateries.  It feels like I was somehow transported from rural living to urban living.  

Clearing land has a big effect on natural habitats.  When land is cleared for human use, it destroys ecosystems and habitats for wildlife.  Loss of indigenous habitat for wildlife can lead to their extinction as they have no other place to live and thrive.  On a large global scale, examples of this are areas of once extensive wild habitats for elephants are now fragmented because of human settlements, loss of habitats for orangutans to produce palm oil plantations, and deforestation of Amazon rainforests for cattle ranching accounts for 80% of global deforestation.  Deforestation has become so rampant, it has been estimated that every second an entire football field of forest is gone.  

Not only does land clearing effect the natural habitat of wildlife, as humans continue to move further into these natural areas and come into contact with wildlife, there is an increased risk of humans becoming infected with viruses just like COVID-19.  Scientists estimate there are 1.7 million viruses found in mammals and birds that can infect humans.  This is especially linked to deforestation as there is a rich biodiversity found in forests which has more opportunities for such viruses to be contracted by humans who are logging and cattle ranching in these areas.  Even the cattle coming into contact with wildlife could also become carriers of viruses and pass them on to humans handling them. 

Land clearing and development also causes a loss of the indigenous plant and tree life which has a huge effect on the health of the planet for many reasons. When native plant and tree life are removed, soil erosion occurs causing a loss of nutrients that would allow for plants to grow that give us oxygen.  Loss of plant life also causes ground water levels rise because there is no longer plant roots to absorb the water.  Additionally, when native trees and plants are removed from their natural habitat, the carbon dioxide that was sequestered in the ground is now released into the earth’s atmosphere which has been found to alter our climate.   

Land clearing also has an effect leading to increased urban temperatures.  When habitats are removed and replaced with buildings and pavement, the roofing and pavement materials tend to absorb rather than reflect the heat of the sun.  This is known as urban island effect.  

Making wiser daily choices in our lives can make a huge impact on where we are headed ecologically.  Small steps can make big improvements to keep us and our planet healthy.  

Ways we can make an impact to help the environment:

1.   Know that every product made from trees is recyclable.

2.   Buy recycled paper products.

3.   Avoid buying products made with palm oil.

4.   Reducing the amount of red meat one eats helps to reduce deforestation, reduce CO2 emissions, and saves animals. 

5.    Plant a tree.

6.   Buy wood products that have the Forest Stewardship Council mark. 

