The Importance of Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are considered underwater cities which provides food and shelter to an estimated one million plant and animal species that accounts for 25% of all marine life.  Over the last 240 million years, coral reefs have evolved to one of the most complex ecosystems on the planet. 

Coral reefs contribute to environmental protection by absorbing waves which reduces damage caused by hurricanes, typhoons, and tsunamis.  When reefs are damaged or destroyed, there is less protection from coastal erosion which can cause more damage to coastal communities in which over several million people live.  

Reefs also provide ecotourism which helps to generate revenue for local communities.  According to the Nature Conservancy, coral reefs contribute approximately $36 billion annually for global ecotourism.  

Even more so, elements found in coral reefs have also been used to create human medicine.  The value of coral reefs is insurmountable both to the health of the oceans and humans. 

As global temperatures rise, there are many threats to coral reefs systems which is affecting the health of these underwater ecosystems.  One such threat is coral bleaching.  Coral reefs has a small window of tolerance to temperatures and when the sea temperatures rises, it causes stress to coral reefs.  The result is they lose or eject the algae that live inside them causing the coral to lose its color as well as a food source for marine life. 

Another effect of global temperature rise on coral reefs is ocean acidification.  As CO2 rises in the atmosphere, the ocean absorbs generally 25% of it.   As the ocean continually absorbs the CO2, the chemistry of the ocean becomes more acidic making it more difficult for coral reefs and other marine life to grow their skeletons making them more vulnerable to disease.  

There are ways we can still help curb the acceleration of harm being caused to coral reefs.  Here are 10 ways to make a difference;

I would also like to mention 4Ocean.  4Ocean is a company whose mission to remove plastic from our oceans and waterways as well as saving marine life.  For every bracelet they sell which is made from the plastic removed from oceans, they will remove one pound of plastic from our oceans. 

There are so many ways we can get involved in helping from taking action by cleaning up a beach to buying a bracelet.  Both are noble and helpful in making world a healthier place to live.  




